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Surface Deactivator

Surface Deactivator, manufactured by BES Colors, makes the process of exposing aggregate in washed stone easier and more uniform. It is applied to fresh concrete to prevent the cement surface from hardening and to achieve more precise control of the depth of aggregate exposure.

Work as a perfect replacement for SikaControl® or Solomon® products.

    Products Advantages

    Surface Deactivator, manufactured by BES Colors, makes the process of exposing aggregate in washed stone easier and more uniform. It is applied to fresh concrete to prevent the cement surface from hardening and to achieve more precise control of the depth of aggregate exposure. Unlike traditional sugar-based retarders, which have an inconsistent retarding effect, Surface Deactivator precisely inhibits the hydration process to a controllable degree. There are 11 products with predetermined corrosion depths, identified by different product colors, to provide a stable, reproducible exposure of aggregate. Because Surface Deactivator provides a longer time before removing the surface paste, it allows the underlying concrete to harden properly, locking in aggregate and reducing pop-up. Surface Deactivator is easily water-soluble and can be easily cleaned with high-pressure water guns and floor scrubbers. Surface Deactivator creates a polymer film that acts as a water-retaining barrier and temporary curing agent, protecting fresh concrete from rainwater erosion while reducing water loss. Surface Deactivator can be applied to newly poured concrete that is diamond polished. It effectively softens cement mortar on the cement surface, reduces grinding steps by up to 75%, and greatly reduces polishing time as well as diamond tool and labor costs.

    2: Features & Advantages

    Surface Deactivators have the following features and advantages over traditional retarders
    ◊ Control exposed aggregate depth
    ◊ 11 types of (exposed aggregate) depths
    ◊ Exposed aggregate depth matches material color
    ◊ Extended retarding time increases stability
    ◊ High coverage
    ◊ Efficient visual range control, non-staining
    ◊ Construction can be carried out under high and low temperature conditions
    ◊ Film forming, fast drying
    ◊ Polymer film reduces moisture loss
    ◊ Protect newly poured concrete from rain erosion
    ◊ Solvent-free, water-soluble
    ◊ Meets VOC volatility standards

    3: Packaging & Depth of Exposed Aggregate

    Surface Deactivator is a liquid material that can be used directly. It has two packaging specifications: 1 gallon and 5 gallons. According to the normal exposed aggregate level, one-third of the aggregate size can be exposed.
    Following this guidance can minimize aggregate popping and new technology can achieve more controlled levels of exposed aggregate.

    Exposed Aggregate Depth: & Aggregate Size:



    Deepness of corrosion

    Aggregate size



    Acid corrosion

    Acid corrosion



    Light sandblasting

    Slightly exposed sand



    Medium sandblasting

    Up to 1/4’’



    Heavy sandblasting















    Dark Yellow













    Light corrosion

    Light corrosion

    *Important Note: Exposed aggregate depth is based on 6 bags (564 lbs/ft3 or 350 kg/m3) of concrete mix design. Mixes with different cement contents may produce different exposed aggregate levels and field sampling and testing is recommended.
    *See Section 007: Project Testing

    4: Dosage

    The dosage depends on the type of sprayer and the surface texture of the concrete. The standard dosage is 300-400 sq. ft./gal.
    *Average dosage sf/gal (m2/gal) depends on the type of sprayer, the texture of the concrete and the finish of the concrete surface. 
    *See dosage table on page 2

    Dosage & Sprayer Model


    *Important Note: The choice of sprayer type and method of use needs to be determined based on on-site sampling.
    Refer to Section 7: Project Testing

    5: Safety precautions

    Warning: For professional use only. Before using the product, please read the product safety data sheet (SDS) and the instructions for use on the package. Acid concentrate: Contact with eyes, skin and other sensitive body tissues may cause damage. Use with caution. Irritating to eyes and skin. Irritating to the digestive tract; not drinkable. Keep out of reach of children. Its mist is irritating to the respiratory tract. It must be used in a ventilated environment. Do not spray or breathe its mist. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Conduct safety inspections and control of the on-site environment. Wear appropriate protective equipment such as goggles and professional gloves. Ensure adequate ventilation. If you find headaches, dizziness, edema or the air detector shows that the air humidity exceeds the construction standard, according to the manufacturer's instructions, you can wear a P100/breathable mask (NIOSH TC-84A approved) during construction and material drying.

    • 6: Equipment

      Will affect overall coverage. The most economical sprayer is an automatic high volume low pressure (HVLP) sprayer.
      *Refer to Section 4: Dosage
    • 7: Project Testing

      To ensure performance and desired appearance, it is recommended to use test specimens using the recommended treatments and techniques, coverage and equipment. Whenever possible, use the same personnel to produce the specimens that will appear in the project. The test area should be large enough so that it correctly represents the whole.

    8: Standard Application Guidelines

    Surface Deactivator should be applied as soon as possible during the concrete placement and finishing process. Surface Deactivator only stops the hydration of the concrete surface after application. If the concrete sets before the surface Deactivator is applied, it is not possible to reverse the setting that has already occurred. This is why field sample testing is important.
    Refer to Section 7: Project Testing

    - 1 - Shake the surface Deactivator well before pouring into the sprayer.
    - 2 - Pour the surface Deactivator into the sprayer. Adjust the pressure of the sprayer so that the material is evenly applied.
    - 3 - The nozzle of the sprayer should be 30 - 60 cm above the concrete surface.
    - 4 - Ensure consistent coverage of the approved job site sample surface.
    * Refer to Section 4: Dosage & Section 7: Project Testing
    Important: Additives that affect the setting of concrete may change the performance of the surface Deactivator and should be included in the job site sample to evaluate the performance of the overall sample.
    *Refer to Section 7: Project Testing

    In most cases, concrete floors treated with surface Deactivators do not need to be wrapped with plastic sheets or wet cloths. Except in extremely hot, windy, or cold weather conditions, it may be helpful to cover the concrete with a cover to maintain moisture consistency on the concrete surface.
    Do not use curing agents over surface Deactivators. The unique properties of surface Deactivators create a polymer film that acts as a water-retaining barrier and temporary curing until it is rinsed off and a sealer topcoat is applied.
  • Today I shall be meeting with interference, ingratitude, insolence, disloyalty, ill-will, and selfishness all of them due to the offenders' ignorance of what is good or evil..
  • 9: Videos

    10: Directions for Use

    Surface Deactivators prevent the concrete surface from hardening. When the underlying concrete has sufficient hardness, the surface cement paste can be rinsed off to the required depth.

    Surface Deactivators provide conditions for removing excess paste compared to traditional surface retarders. Cleaning can be done any time within a few days after application, depending on local weather conditions and concrete mix. Application time and cleanup time should be determined during project testing and field proofing.
    *Refer to Section 7: Project Testing

    There are several ways to remove the surface mud, depending on the equipment selected and the specific circumstances of the project.

    Water-washed sand surface cleaning:
    ◊ Sweep with running water and a bristle brush
    ◊ Flush with a high-pressure water gun
    ◊ Wash with running water and a floor scrubber
    ◊ Wash with a high-pressure water gun and a floor scrubber

    Grinding surface cleaning:
    ◊ Choose a diamond tool to clean the surface by grinding, and collect dust with a vacuum cleaner

    Sandblasting cleaning:
    ◊ Sandblasting with a shot blasting equipment and a dust washing equipment

    Note: When grinding, polishing, or sandblasting concrete, consult the equipment and mold manufacturers for best results.

    Important: When cleaning the surface to expose aggregate, the mud should be handled in accordance with EPA and national environmental protection laws. The control and management of waste is the responsibility of the company contracting the concrete work.
    • 11: Next construction instructions

      When concrete is polished, during the grinding and polishing process. For exposed aggregate polishing, a suitable concrete sealer can be used. Please consult your BES product representative.
    • 12: Physical properties

      Physical state ………………………………………………………..……......... (liquid)
      Color …………....................................................... (10 color classifications)
      VOC volatile content............................................................(0 volatility)
      Material pH value...................................................................(approximately 2-4)
      Freezing point....................................................................... (32˚F -  0°C)
      Shelf life ……………………………………………….….……….…..……..(18 months)

    13: Storage Shelf life

    Surface Deactivator should be kept in the original packaging, with the bottle cap tightly closed. The surface Deactivator has a shelf life of 18 months, which can be obtained from the reference batch number on the original container.
    Store in a cool, dry place, controlled temperature 4–38°C.
    *Important: Refrigeration is strictly prohibited

    14: Warning

    For professional use only. The manufacturer ensures the standard quality and quality of its products. The manufacturer cannot control the use of the product on the construction site, so the manufacturer cannot provide an absolute guarantee for the specific use results of the product on each project. In specific individual cases, when there is sufficient evidence, the manufacturer's responsibility is limited to refunding the purchase price or replacing the product. The user should be responsible for the applicability of the product in the actual project and the risk of the contracted project.

    15: First aid measures

    Ingestion: Rinse mouth immediately and drink plenty of water. If any problem occurs or when symptoms persist, seek medical attention immediately.
    Inhalation: Move the patient to a ventilated area and provide oxygen. If any problem occurs or when symptoms persist, seek medical attention immediately.
    Eye contact: Rinse with plenty of water for up to 15 minutes. If the irritation reaction persists, seek medical attention immediately.
    Skin contact: Wash the infected area with soap and water, and remove contaminated clothing and shoes.